This site is a record of the process I went through in building a Pygmy Boats stitch and glue kayak kit called Pinguino 145 4PD. It is 14.5 feet in length with a 25.5 inch beam. You will find information on this boat at www.pygmyboats.com. The stitch and glue process is similar with all boats built using this process, so the information here may be of use to anyone building such a boat. If you use the site and find the information useful please share your thoughts and questions. Also, I always enjoy pictures of the boats you produce. In a sense they are my “children”.
You can email me at Don.Yackel@Yackman.com

My Other Websites
Yackman and Yackman Archive: If you are interested in sea kayaking, visit my other websites Yackman.com and YackmanArchive.com, for trip reports and more.

The Idling Bulldozer: This site is devoted to my recently published book, The Idling Bulldozer and other Paddling Adventures at www.theidlingbulldozer.com.
My YouTube Channel
At last count, I had 223 videos posted on YouTube, with 691 subscribers and almost 500,000 views. Most of the videos can be found embedded in my websites (Yackman.com and BuildingPinguino.info). But, if you want to view them directly or subscribe to my channel so that you are notified as soon as a video is posted, click here to go to: Yackman’s YouTube Channel